
arts (2)

jueves, 23 de noviembre de 2017

Optional paper natural unit 3

We have just started Unit 3 in Natural Science. This is a very easy and short unit about Fungi, Moneras and Protista.
If you want to get a better mark, you have the opportunity to make one of these individual projects:
- Experiment
- Viruses vs. Bacteria
- The history of Penicillin

You will have to carry out an experiment in your house, to grow mould in slices of bread. Here you have the instructions of what you have to do. You’ll have to write a report about your experiment and present it on DN A4 format.

You will have to investigate about viruses and bacteria and create a Venn diagram comparing them on a DIN A4 format.

You will research about who, why and how Penicillin was discovered, the consequences of its discovery and how do we use it nowadays. You’ll write the story on a DIN A4 format.

You have to include your project in your folder and had it out the day of the exam.


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